Introducing a trivia game website featuring a range of categories to test players' knowledge. Players will engage in questions that showcase their expertise across various categories, adding an element of fun and excitement to testing their knowledge.
This game will be created in REACT with my team Kaya Walker, Emma Hopson and myself. My role in this project is to create the UI and implement it into CSS, while overall helping with the code regarding the game.
Problem Space
Problem: Create a fun way to learn about different categories.
Audience: Anyone who wants to learn!
Solution: A trivia game website.
Inspired by the success of TriviaCrack, we want our game to feature different categories of questions and show how well the player does in each category. By showcasing the player's proficiency in each category, it'll boost confidence in the player and maximize enjoyment for the game.
Prototype #1
The basics of how we want the website to run. Essentially start with a homepage where the player can type in their name to give the feeling of customization. From there a random category is generated with questions. At the end of the game the player will be presented the amount of points earned during the game, along with the success-rate of each category. Finally a "Play Again?" page will be shown with how many points were earned. 

Personal Goals: I want to make a more polished wireframe on Figma to understand the color schemes to implements, icons and the overall flow of the site. 
Prototype #2
In Prototype #2, I've chose a light, playful blue background, with each category distinguished by a color. The need for a user name input is useless for our game (for now) so I got rid of that feature. Players can select a category and be directed to the question page. Once all the questions in a category are answered, players can switch to a new one. Upon completing the game, players receive an overall score and success rate percentage for each category, with the option to play again.
Personal Goals: I personally enjoy this set up more, but our team is in a time crunch and may not be able to deliver all of these components. We might have to follow the more basic paper wireframe I created in Prototype #1.

Final Product!
Overall we are proud to make QuizQuest, a functional REACT Trivia Game. The game flow is a simplistic approach, making it easy for first time users to understand. Within the game you can see how many points are given and if you got the question correct. Unfortunately we did not have time to implement the players success rate percentage of each category into the game.

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